John 1:12-13 
 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

It is a common thing for a child to call someone his Father or somebody called a child his son.
There are lots of things to consider before someone could be the real Father or real son . Sometimes there may be a need for DNA test to be sure.
We remember Chief MKO Abiola of blessed memory. In his WILL demanded a DNA test for all his other children apart the children of his first wife. When he was alive he take them as children but now he wanted to prove that they are truly his children.
For the prove of the right of God children, apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ, all other children of God will undergo DNA test. Matt 3:16-17
Let us break the Topic into two parts.
The Right to become.... Children of God.
What is the Right to become?
Moral or Legal Claim to something.
Children of God... Children born of God. John 1:13.

Who is GOD?
God is the creator of all things in Heaven and earth and He owns everything therein. Gen.1:1, Psalm 24:1.
God is God and God is not man. God is a Spirit.

God created man in his own image as His own children.
He want man to be like Him. Gen 1:26.
But man reject God as his Father by disobey God. Gen 3:9-12.
God also rejected man and send him out of the garden Gen 3:22-24.
God want his children back like the prodigal son. Is 60: 4, Luke 15:20-24.
God send his only begotten son to the world to bring back his lost children back to Him. John 1:12-13, 3:16.

• Come back in repentance 1John 1:9.
• Accept Jesus Christ and believe in Him. John 1 :12-13
• Must be born of God. John 3:3,5-7.
• Must receive power to become son of God. John 1:12-13.
• Must be ready to be like Jesus the first born.
•Must be ready to follow Jesus daily. Matt 16:34.
• Must love and obey Jesus. John 14:15.
• Must be ready to work for and with Jesus. Luke 10:2-3
• Must be ready in waiting for the second coming of Jesus, who will come and take him to the God Kingdom of His Father John 14:1-2. Matt 24: 42-46

The final collection of the children of God is in the hand of Jesus Christ. Acts 17:31.
To be called a Christian is not enough because not all christian are of Christ. Rev 2:9.
Only those who know Christ and Christ also know them will go with him either at the point of death or in Rapture.
Those who He will not say I know you not. Matt 7:21-23
I pray these will not be our portion in Jesus Name.
Ours will be "Come blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the world."
Matt 25:34.
These are they who scale through the adoption process.

When man reject God, He is no more his Father. 

For man to come back and be children of God again it must be through adoption  Luke.15:21

If a man angry with his children and make legal statement to disown them, if he died. The only way those children could claim him as their Father is through adoption by whosoever that is in charge of the man estates.

Jesus is now the rightful heir of God Heritage. 
The Grace to become a joint heir with Christ is with him ..Jesus.

Our adoption is predestinated Eph 1:5.

ADOPTION Rom 8:14-19, Gal 1:1-7
As the legal deed of an adoption determine the parents of the adoptee 

Jesus have the Final Saying  On who is a child of God. Matt 7:21-23.

Thank you so much.
May we not loose our right as a child of God in Jesus Name.

Pastor Oladeji Isaac G.
General Coordinator, Purity Foundation 


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