Purity Foundation Daily Devotional Monday 16th September 2024Topic: Work Worthy Of The Lord 16Text: Philippians 1:28-29

Purity Foundation Daily Devotional 
Monday 16th September 2024
Topic: Work Worthy Of The Lord 16
Text: Philippians 1:28-29  
"And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;"

Your cooperation should be a memorial to Jesus
Paul told the Philippians to work side by side. 
The Greek word used was an athletic term that meant to strive together. Paul is saying the right kind of strife in the church is standing shoulder to shoulder facing the enemy with the Gospel and Armor of faith. The unity of the body is a great Memorial to Jesus. If you remember Jesus High priestly prayer he requested that His body and bride would be one. No not the Roman numeral one but a united body of believers seeking to attain the same mission and goals.

We have a common opponent and we must submit to God and resist the devil and he must flee.

Cooperation means we will have to forgive at times, means we will have to submit at times, means we will have to love at times, means we will have to repent at times, means we will have to stop at times.

Paul is trying to tell the Philippians you must all be pulling in the same direction. God has a plan for you and it will only be accomplished together. The plan God has for the church is only ever accomplished as it strives together as His body and His bride. There is no room for rogue cells going off and doing their own thing. That is a sickness that we usually call it cancer. We have to ask ourselves are we walking worthy of the Gospel? 
Are we striving together for the goals and objectives God has laid before us?

Father, please help us to strive together to win souls for Christ In Jesus Name 🙇🏽‍♂️ 

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Have a Glorious Week/ Monday 
Share And God Bless You


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